Glycolic acid is a chemical exfoliator meaning it refurfaces the skin by disolving dead cells on the epidermis. This leads to an improvement in pigmentation, dullness, dehydration and acne issues. This is a great alternative to IPL if you suffer from melasma (hormonal pigmentation) or you’re looking for an instant result to revitalise lackluster skin. This treatment can be used on any skin type with no downtime.
Glyco peel can be used to treat sundamage on the backs of the hands and also to treat congestion on the back area also
Please ask your therapist on how to combine these treatments to suit your needs
A course of 6 treatments spaced over 6-8 weeks is reccomended for optimum results.
Purchase a course and recieve one treatment FREE
Includes the full face with a calming mask to sooth post treatment
Glyco- Peel hands
This includes a 10 minute hand massage and SPF application