Effective Treatments For Thread Vein Removal
Thread veins (or spider veins) is the term given to fine squiggly red, blue, or purple lines that can appear on your skin, and are most noticeable when they are on your face. Understanding the different types and what causes them might help you to prevent them, as well as helping you to find a method of vein removal at Christopher Maerevoet that will work for you.
Why Do Thread Veins Appear?
Essentially, thread veins are thin veins near the surface of the skin that have become damaged. They are a type of varicose vein, though, unlike thicker ‘trunk’ varicose veins, they usually don’t cause pain. Occasionally, they might cause you some mild discomfort. If you have trunk varicose veins on your body that are causing complications, it’s best to seek vein removal advice from the NHS, although they won’t remove thread veins from your face, as removal of these would be for cosmetic reasons.
Thread veins can occur because they run in your family, though environmental factors, such as extreme heat or cold, and harmful UV rays from the sun can also play a role. If you are outside in very cold weather, you may want to wear a face covering to keep your face warm. In hot weather, wear a wide brimmed hat to shade your face and use plenty of sun block.
Spider Naevi And Rosacea
Spider Naevi are a type of thread vein appearing as branches of broken veins coming out of a central broken one, having a spider-like appearance. These commonly occur when you have a lot of oestrogen in your system, so they often appear during pregnancy and usually disappear in the post-natal stage once oestrogen has returned to its usual levels. For that reason, they often don’t need any vein removal treatment.
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition, the causes of which are uncertain. When sufferers experience a flare up, it appears in the form of large areas of broken veins on your cheeks. The visible symptoms can appear when you drink alcohol or caffeinated drinks, eat cheese or spicy foods, or take part in aerobic exercise. If you have rosacea, it’s best to be mindful of what you eat and drink, especially if any of the above are causing flare ups.
IPL For Vein Removal At Christopher Maerevoet
IPL (or Intense Pulsed Light) is a safe, non-invasive light-based energy treatment, which is used to address skin imperfections that are related to blood vessel issues. This makes it highly effective for any thread vein removal, including spider naevi and those associated with Rosacea. Light energy is absorbed by the blood vessels that make up thread veins and this absorption process breaks down the vessel walls. The treatment allows your body to recognise the broken vessels as waste and removes them naturally.
Contact Us To Book Your Appointment Today
Before you can be considered for vein removal using IPL, we need to carry out a patch test and full consultation so that we can advise if this treatment is suitable for your concerns. This costs £50 and is redeemable against any treatment. (So if IPL isn’t for you, we’ll do our best to find an alternative, like HIFU.)
If you have any questions, or to book a consultation, get in touch by calling us on 01704 545 113 or by emailing [email protected].
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